Mobile Terms and Conditions

Effec­tive Date: 12/7/2021

Fringe Updates

Receive account infor­ma­tion, trans­ac­tion­al updates, and pro­mo­tion­al mes­sages from Fringe through your mobile device. Opt-in by Web (https://​app​.fringe​.us/​#​/​login) or Text FRINGE, BEN­E­FITS, UPDATES, or EMPLOY­EE to 74246. Mes­sage fre­quen­cy Varies. Mes­sage and data rates may apply.

By opt­ing in to this ser­vice, you con­sent to receive mobile text alerts using an auto­mat­ic tele­phone dial­ing sys­tem. Con­sent to receive mar­ket­ing text mes­sages is not required as a con­di­tion of pur­chas­ing any goods or services.

By sign­ing up, you are con­firm­ing you are over the age of 13.

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Text STOP to 74246 to stop receiv­ing Fringe Updates mes­sages from Fringe (you will receive a con­fir­ma­tion text).

HELP Infor­ma­tion

For addi­tion­al infor­ma­tion, text HELP to 74246 or con­tact support@​fringe.​us.

Sup­port­ed car­ri­ers are:

AT&T, Sprint, T‑Mobile®, Ver­i­zon Wire­less, Boost, Crick­et, MetroPCS, U.S. Cel­lu­lar, Vir­gin Mobile, Google Voice, ACS Wire­less, Advan­tage Cel­lu­lar (DTC Wire­less), Appalachi­an Wire­less, Atlantic Tele-Net­work Inter­na­tion­al (ATN), Band­width, Blue­grass Cel­lu­lar, Buf­fa­lo Wire­less, Cable­Vi­sion, Car­oli­na West Wire­less, Cell­com, Cop­per Val­ley, C‑Spire Wire­less (for­mer­ly Cell­south), Cel­lu­lar One of East Cen­tral Illi­nois, Chari­ton Val­ley Cel­lu­lar, Cross (dba Sprock­et), Duet IP, Ele­ment Mobile, Epic­Touch, GCI Com­mu­ni­ca­tions, Gold­en State, Hawk­eye (Chat Mobil­i­ty), Hawk­eye (NW Mis­souri Cel­lu­lar), i Wire­less (IOWA Wire­less), Illi­nois Val­ley Cel­lu­lar, Immix (Key­stone Wire­less / PC Man­age­ment), Inland Cel­lu­lar, Mobi PCS (Coral Wire­less LLC), Mosa­ic, MTA Com­mu­ni­ca­tions, MTPCS / Cel­lu­lar One (Cel­lone Nation), Nex-Tech Wire­less, Pan­han­dle Telecom­mu­ni­ca­tions, Peo­ples Wire­less, Pine Belt Wire­less, Pine Cel­lu­lar, Pio­neer, Plateau, Revol Wire­less, RINA, SI Wireless/​Mobile Nation, South­ern­Linc, SRT Wire­less, Thumb Cel­lu­lar, Union Wire­less, Unit­ed, Viaero Wire­less, West Cen­tral Wire­less, Lea­co, Nemont/​Sagebrush. T‑Mobile is not liable for delayed or unde­liv­ered messages.

We take your pri­va­cy seri­ous­ly. Please vis­it https://​www​.fringe​.us/​p​r​i​v​a​c​y​-​p​olicy to review our pri­va­cy policy.

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